Google Cloud

Redis Enterprise as a fully managed service on Google Cloud

Redis and Google have partnered to provide the best Redis service for modern apps on Google Cloud. For customers looking for a fully managed database-as-a-service option, Redis Enterprise on Google Cloud is extremely easy to use, with built-in automation to run, scale, and manage Redis.

“One of our requirements was to outsource as much work to the cloud as possible. Redis Enterprise’s easy compatibility with Google Cloud allow us to focus on the analytics, rather than maintaining the underlying environment. Redis Enterprise makes it possible to process a large amount of data while adhering to low-latency requirements from millions of sensors every day.”

Lalit Pandit

Handle peak traffic spikes

Experience predictable, best-in-class performance. Powered by a shared-nothing architecture, Redis Enterprise delivers virtually infinite linear scaling to enable your apps to instantly handle millions of requests a second with sub-millisecond latency on Google Cloud’s fast global network.

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Built-in resiliency to overcome the toughest outage scenarios

Safeguard against every type of failure with high availability, instant failure detection, and single-digit seconds failover across regions and availability zones. Redis Enterprise is backed by a five-nines (99.999%) SLA.

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Automated database operations

Database operations take time and effort. Redis Enterprise lets you automatically scale your database without any interruption to your applications. Grow your dataset to any size with no downtime.

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Run Redis Enterprise as a fully managed service hosted on Google Cloud

Redis Enterprise is now available as a fully managed Database-as-a-Service on the Google CloudMarketplace. Redis Enterprise tightly integrates with Google Cloud to automate operational tasks required to deploy and manage Redis, including provisioning, replication, failover, and monitoring. Sign-up on the Google Cloud Marketplace and get a single, unified bill that includes Redis Enterprise alongside your other Google Cloud products and services.

Run stateful Redis workloads on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

To provide a fast path to microservices and containers, the Redis Enterprise Kubernetes Operator for GKE is ideal for stateful workloads such as data ingest, search, and transaction processing. Redis Enterprise on GKE is ideal for:

  • Running stateful applications in production with the reliability you need to meet a tough SLA
  • Keeping all your workloads properly isolated
  • Built-in persistent volumes for scaling
  • Service discovery and rolling upgrades

Multiple delivery models

Fully managed Redis Enterprise is available as a Database-as-a-Service from on the Google Cloud Marketplace. Redis Enterprise is also available as downloadable software backed by 24/7 enterprise support from Redis.