How to connect to Redis in a C# .NET project using the NRedisStack client library

Last updated 20, Apr 2024


Understand how to connect to Redis using the NRedisStack client library for the C# programming language for the .NET platform.


The following example demonstrates how to create a scaffold project to connect Redis with the NRedisStack client library for the .NET programming language. To start with the example, download the .NET platform.

Proceed to install and verify that the required version is correctly installed.

dotnet --info

You can now create a new project from scratch (assuming .NET version 8 is installed).

dotnet new console -o redis-test -f net8.0

Install the NRedisStack package, which is required by the example discussed in this document. Choose the desired version.

cd redis-test

dotnet add package NRedisStack --version 0.12.0

Now edit the Program.cs file in the project folder and paste this content:

using NRedisStack;
using StackExchange.Redis;

ConnectionMultiplexer redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect("localhost");
IDatabase db = redis.GetDatabase();

db.StringSet("foo", "bar");

You can now execute this program as follows:

dotnet run


Connect your .NET application to a Redis database